2024/25 Workplan

Work plan for Lions Club of Soroti-Lionistic year 2024-2025
Activity Month Date Person Responsible  Traget  Resources CODE CODE
Partnership with other institutions such as schools, Prisons for food protection JULY 27th Ln Willy Bisanga      1,000          300,000 HG1 HG1 Partner with organizations with food security aspects to adviocate for food production and security in communities
BOT REPORT JULY 31st CHAIRPERSON           10,000 Get Statements for the BOT account, Incomes and Expenses in that Month and Present proposed activities for the coming month
Partner with skilling schools to equip the youth with life skills for livings AUG 24th Ln Samuel Olato          50          500,000 Y1 Y1 Organize Career Guidance for Candidate Student
Encourage the youth to participate in Lions Quest and reading action Program AUG 24th Ln Judith Engulu        200          500,000 Y3 Y3 Organise Schools around the City to participate in Lions Quests and reading competitions. By this we will be creating an awareness about Lions Club in schools and thus providing an avenue for LEO clubs
BOT REPORT AUG 30th CHAIRPERSON           10,000 Get Statements for the BOT account, Incomes and Expenses in that Month and Present proposed activities for the coming month
Participate in peace poster contests SEPT 21st Ln Otim Moses Elijah          50          400,000 Y2 Y2 Buy peace poster kits early enough for members to get involved in the activities right in time
BOT REPORT SEPT 27th CHAIRPERSON           10,000 Get Statements for the BOT account, Incomes and Expenses in that Month and Present proposed activities for the coming month
Organise orientation and Induction of In coming leaders and Members EVERY MONTH Ln Moses Otim          20          300,000 RM1 RM1 Time to time, Member trainings be encouraged to build more capacity to those who have not yet gained an aquitance about Lions Clubs
Organise fellowships and Guest Speakers ONCE A MONTH Ln Judith Engulu          10          200,000 RM2 RM2 Have regular Club fellowships to allow members have the heart of belonging and ownership of the club premises. Its also provides an avenue for members to relax after a long days’ work
Organise and encourage inter-Club Activities- Twinning SEPT 21st Ln James Okodi        200          500,000 RM3 RM3 Partner with neighbouring clubs to do activities together to increase in service coverage area and publicity of Lions Clubs International and District 411B
Retain Good Quality minded Members OFTEN Ln Moses Otim          20          100,000 RM4 RM4 Identify Quality Minded Members and encourage them to keep up with the LIONISTIC spirit in all aspects. Regular follow ups for members who get inactive( Partial or not particiapating in doing club activities )
Work plan for Lions Club of Soroti-Lionistic year 2024-2025
Encourage Members to pay dues in time AUG 30th Ln Charles Kagaha          20           10,000 DP1 DP1 Encourage Members on dues payment, Remove members who have not paid their dues at the start of LIONISTIC year to avoid being billed for unpaid members
Encourage Members to Save for International Convesions SEPT 10th Ln Judith Engulu          20           10,000 DP2 DP2 Create and Independent savings group belonging to the Club and encourage all members to save for the course of International Convensions
To establish sustainable community grants SEPT 20th Ln James Okodi           1          500,000 HG6 HG6 Identify one or two persons with good proposal writing skills support in writing project proposals for the club
Develop diabetes grant proposal SEPT 20th Ln James Okodi           1          500,000 D5 D5 Develop a proposal to support and manage diebate patients
Literacy Day
International Literacy Day SEPT 21st Ln Esther Abido          50          200,000 LD LD Involve Schools and Institutuions in the reading competitions and issue certificate of attendance to boost our publicity
BOT REPORT SEPT 27th CHAIRPERSON           10,000 Get Statements for the BOT account, Incomes and Expenses in that Month and Present proposed activities for the coming month
Develop a better Communication strategy to communicate to Members and the community OFTEN Ln Esther Abido      3,000          200,000 CB1 CB1 Design and develop posters, Brouchers and other Marketing materials to be shared to potential Lion Members and LEO Clubs. Enback on the Bulk SMS platform for communition to Members and as well as regaulary updating information and data to The HOST WhatApp Group
Regularly update social media pages and website OFTEN Ln Samuel Olato      3,000          100,000 CB2 CB2 One/Two Techinical Lion Members to regulary update the website with update information and content about the club
Provide accurate information about the club to the media OFTEN Ln Judith Engulu      2,000          100,000 CB3 CB3 Invite media houses for Lions Events
Invite the Media in all events and ask them to publish OFTEN Ln Willy Bisanga      3,000          100,000 CB4 CB4 Lobby/Partner and advocate for The Lions Hour in Any of the Radio Stations locally
Shelter for the elderly in communities OCT 1st Ln Abido Esther           2       3,000,000 HU1 HU1 Identify 2 leaderly persons in need to shelter within the city or around the district and provide a medium cost shelter
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion OCT 1st Ln James Okodi          10       1,000,000 HU2 HU2 Partners with orgainizations currently having WASH projects to promote good hygiene in selected ares of their operations
Work plan for Lions Club of Soroti-Lionistic year 2024-2025
Eye screening and Issuring of reading glasses OCT 10th Ln Dr. Amuron Naome        200          500,000 V1 V1 Organise eye screening exercises around the city and district as wellas to create pubic awareness of the eye defects. Provide reading glasees to those affected.
Blindness prevention campaign OCT 10th Ln Dr. Okaali Daniel      3,000          300,000 V2 V2 Patner with local radio stations to create awareness about blindness, its causes, how to avoid and prevent it as well providing information on how to manaage and treat those already affected
Participate the commemoration of world sight day OCT 10th Ln Dr. Amuron Naome          20          300,000 V2 V2 Join the other Lions in remembering the world sight day. We will be advocating for those with sight challenges to get support in any way possible
BOT REPORT OCT 25th CHAIRPERSON           10,000 Get Statements for the BOT account, Incomes and Expenses in that Month and Present proposed activities for the coming month
Host the DG NOV 2nd Ln Samuel Olato          20          400,000 DG DG Prepare to Host the District Gorvernor
Promotion of healthy living. Organize physical wellness activities NOV 2nd Ln James Okodi          400,000 D1 D1 Organise and attend diebates club meetings and share with them on how to manage and possibly share with them medcines they often use like metformin
Organize Diabetes voluntary screening and awareness NOV 2nd Ln Dr. Amuron Naome      2,000          500,000 D2 D2 Organise diabetes sharing, free testing and screening activities in places of worhip, common assembly points like markets, centers, hospitals and clinics among others
Educate, prevent, detect, control diabetes NOV 2nd Ln Dr. Engulu William        200          200,000 D3 D3 Orgaise radio talk shows to educate the communities on diabetes preventions and control
Commemorate world diabetes day NOV 2nd Ln Elijah Moses Otim        400          200,000 D4 D4 Join the world in participating in diabetes day celebration
BOT REPORT NOV 29th CHAIRPERSON           10,000 Get Statements for the BOT account, Incomes and Expenses in that Month and Present proposed activities for the coming month
Celebrate International Day of Happiness DEC 10th Ln Dr. Engulu William        500          500,000 RM6 RM6 Relaxing mode activation, Activities involved will be exercising, roastings, Drinking, Health talks, Aerobics among others
Celebrate Famalies Day DEC 10th Ln Polly Attan          20          200,000 RM7 RM7 Relaxing mode activation, Activities involved will be exercising, roastings, Drinking, Health talks, Aerobics among others
Celebrate with the Children DEC 10th Ln Judith Engulu          50          200,000 RM8 RM8 Celebarate with the  less fortunate children in communities. This could be the street children, Children in Hospital WARD 5, or in Childrens Home, Madera School for the Blind, among others
BOT REPORT DEC 20th CHAIRPERSON           10,000 Get Statements for the BOT account, Incomes and Expenses in that Month and Present proposed activities for the coming month
Work plan for Lions Club of Soroti-Lionistic year 2024-2025
Provide food and support to children and caregiver JAN 18th Ln Polly Attan        100          500,000 CHC1 CHC1 Organise one cancer run to raise support for cancer patients at Soroti Referal Hospital
Conduct public awareness and advocacy campaigns of childhood cancer JAN 18th Ln Esther Abido      3,000          200,000 CHC2 CHC2 Conduct public radio talk shows to create awareness about Childhood cancer
Support training of Primary Health Care Workers on Early detection and referral of Children with cancer JAN 18th Ln Charles Kagaha          30          300,000 CHC3 CHC3 Liase with other stakeholders to support VHTs identify child hood cancer at an early stage so that it could be managed and detected early
Strengthen efforts to provide Psychosocial support services to children and families JAN 18th Ln Dr. Amuron Naome          20          200,000 CHC4 CHC4 Conduct visits to cancer ward to encourage and build hope to cancer patients. Invite religious leaders or christians to share the word of encouragement with the affected persons or care takers
BOT REPORT JAN 31st CHAIRPERSON           10,000 Get Statements for the BOT account, Incomes and Expenses in that Month and Present proposed activities for the coming month
Celebrate Valentine Day FEB 14th Ln Esther Abido          50          200,000 RM5 RM5 Celebaate love together as a club and famalies with the club. Encourage spouse recruitments into the club
BOT REPORT FEB 28th CHAIRPERSON           10,000 Get Statements for the BOT account, Incomes and Expenses in that Month and Present proposed activities for the coming month
Promote homesteads to participate in Environment protection MARCH 21st Ln Ronald Eminu      3,000          400,000 E5 E5 Internal world Forest Day ….Promote Every home, Every tree, shade or fruit
Protection of wells MARCH 22nd Ln Ronald Eminu          10          200,000 E3 E3 Partner with organizations building wells in communities to add an aspect of well protection after building
Cleaning the environment and recycling the used plastics APRIL 22nd Ln  Willy Bisanga      2,000          200,000 E4 E4 Participate in City Cleaning activities to keep the city clean from gabbage and litters
BOT REPORT MARCH 28th CHAIRPERSON           10,000 Get Statements for the BOT account, Incomes and Expenses in that Month and Present proposed activities for the coming month
Advocate for Road Safety APRIL 22nd Ln Willy Bisanga    10,000          400,000 RS RS Organise road safety campaigns and talk shows, Distrubute road safety reflectors with lions Brand to  motor cycle riders withi town , Have the OC traffic talk to road users on road safety while using the road
Report new team for Lionistic Year 25/26 APRIL 30th Ln Adibo Esther LT1 LT1 Report the new Leadrship Team on myLCI
BOT REPORT APRIL 25th CHAIRPERSON           10,000 Get Statements for the BOT account, Incomes and Expenses in that Month and Present proposed activities for the coming month
Work plan for Lions Club of Soroti-Lionistic year 2024-2025
Create Public awareness about the protection of the environment MAY 6th Ln Charles Kagaha      3,000          200,000 E1 E1 Partner with local radio stations to advocate for enviromental proection and advocate for more trees around every ones home
Tree planting MAY 6th Ln Willy Bisanga      4,000          400,000 E2 E2 Advocate and Plan to plant as many trees as possible during rainy seasons a schools, places of worship, road ways, city centres among others
BOT REPORT MAY 30th CHAIRPERSON           10,000 Get Statements for the BOT account, Incomes and Expenses in that Month and Present proposed activities for the coming month
Encourage practical Agricultural lessons in schools to promote food production and advocate for food production in communities JUNE 7th Ln James Okodi        500          300,000 HG2 HG2 Partner with organizations with food security aspects to adviocate for food production and security in communities
Mobilize food for the hungry JUNE 7th Ln Ronals Eminu        200          800,000 HG3 HG3 Mobilize food for the hungry in our communities and share with them. This could be aroud the Hospitals, Prison facilities,Childrens homes , among others
Mobilize and distribute drought resistant seeds and crops JUNE 7th Ln James Okodi        500          600,000 HG4 HG4 Partner with organizations or gorvernment agencies with good and drought resistant varities, Identify potential farmers to use the seedlings
Support food protection or food security JUNE 7th Ln Willy Bisanga        500          300,000 HG5 HG5 Have radio sessions during or before harvest time to talk to the public about the importance of storing some food for home consumption before the next harvest and discourage them from selling all the harvested food crops
BOT REPORT JUNE 30th CHAIRPERSON           10,000 Get Statements for the BOT account, Incomes and Expenses in that Month and Present proposed activities for the coming month
2025/2026 Leadership Team
Prepare for Hand Over JUNE 15th Ln Samuel Olato       1,500,000 LT2 LT2 Prepare for Hand Over
WORKING TOTAL    19,050,000